Do you believe in destiny? That somewhere out there in the vast ocean of people, is someone who's the perfect match." I personally believe in this but a the same time wonder, " How the heck your going to find the right person among the billions and trillions of people in the world and how would you know if he is already standing in front of you? Every person has a unique character- that which distinguishes one person, group, or thing from another. It defines who we are and ( at times), who and what we are looking for. We are attracted to a person who either reflects our own values and beliefs and therefore paving the way for a connection to form. In a world where much importance is given to the material or physical aspects of things, one's character is greatly challenged. Have you ever wondered what today's teens and young adults are on the hunt for? Here are the top character traits that the teenager desirability factor. 1st Honest most teenagers ranked honesty as the most important trait that their ideal partner should possess because of the basic that our community today struggles with absence of sincerity.This is reflected in the great number of broken families, broken relationships, and chaotic environment we currently have.Many teenagers long for this value because many of them are already experiencing the consequences of dishonesty within their own families. To commit yourself to another person requires so much trust because in loving someone, the risk that one takes is like giving your partner a set of daggers and giving him/her the permission to stab you countless times. Love is not a game. People do really get hurt. That is why trust, formed through honesty, is very vital in a relationship. God fearing, you can be sure the guy will have the rest of the good traits if he/she fear God.Teenager like being responsible person,thingking of the future, good family background, and Intelligent.
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