Not only is meat expensive,but it is coming under increasing scrutiny as bad for your health. In a landmark report entitled " The Surgeon General's Report on Nutrition and Health" ( produced under former U.S. Surgeon General C. Everett Koop, M.D) reliance on a meat- and dairy-based diet- with it's fat and cholesterol-was found to be the cause of the majority of premature deaths in the United States,and in the Philippines. In fact, five out of the top ten causes of death- heart disease, certain types of cancer, stokes,diabetes, and arteriosclerosis- are caused largely by American's and also Filipinos poor diets. The people eat mainly grains, beans,and vegetables and have a significantly lower rates of heart diseases and diet-related cancers, such as cancer of the prostate and colon.
Meat is very expensive, so the less meat you eat, the more money you save. Even if you choose to merely reduce your meat consumption rather than eliminate it.If you decide to eliminate meat from your diet, don't try to shift from burgers,porkchops, and meat loaf to tofu and sprouts overnight.Make changes in your diet gradually. For example,I first gave up pork, beef, and lamb but I still eat some chicken,fish, and low-fat dairy products.
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