Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A Tip For Raising Your Children

Emphasize what you want duplicated. Do you find yourself becoming upset for all the things that your children do or don't do? Then do you desipline them for all the wrong things they do. Emphasizing what they are not doing right.
People and little people (your children) want to be appreciated for what they do right and too often they only hear about their mistakes and faults and not enough of what they do right. It is better if we learn as parents to find the good in our children and emphasize what we want duplicated.
For example, if you have 4 children and all are not making their beds before they leave the home, and you have a family discussions on how important making the beds are to you and how much it helps you.Think of a way you can emphasize what you want duplicated not emphasize what you do not want duplicated. The next day when you check the beds and only one bed is made reward the child for helping you rather than getting upset with those that don't. By seeing the reward of the obedient maybe the disobedient may in a more positive way, change their way when you emphasize making the bed rather than emphasize a negative way for not making the bed. Reward your children for good grades and emphasize what you want duplicated not what you do not want done. It is our job as parents to pull the beam out of our eyes and find a way to get what we want out of your children, by emphasizing what we want duplicated. Try it and you will enjoy your growth more than the growth of your children. P.S I'm not saying that children should not be punished with their bad behavior, what I'm saying we can reward for the good behavoir .And we will not have to punish our children for bad behavior.

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