What are some of the "little things" that can keep love and friendship alive in marriage? What experiences or examples can you share that show the importance of keeping love growing in these ways? There is one woman, married for over 35 years, said: " I love it when my husband still brings me a little surprises after he has been gone for an evening or a weekend. It doesn't have to be a big thing, just a cookie or flower he saved from the meeting. I especially love it when he calls me from work in the middle of the day just to ask how my day is going or to share some exciting bit of news. These little things help us feel loved and cherished. You need to " Keep your courtship alive". Make time to do things together husband and wife - just two of you. As important as it is to be with the children as a family, you need regular weekly time alone together. Scheduling it will let your children know that you feel that your marriage is so important that you need to nurture it.
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