Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Purchasing And Storing Herbs And Spices

Purchase dried herbs and spices in small quantities, keep them in tightly sealed containers away from heat and light, and try to use them within 10 to 12 months. The flavor dried herbs fades quickly.

You also can cultivate fresh herbs in a window box. Rinse fresh herbs thoroughly, wrap them in damp paper towels, and store them for up to a week in the refrigerator.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Home Sweet Home

What exactly is a home? When you come right down to it, home is an elusive concept. Everyone knows, for example, that home is where the heart is. That's fine and good if you're a romantic, but not too helpful if you're a home buyer.
Up until now, we've loosely used the terms "home" and "house" to mean any places where you live or want to live.Under that definition, everything from a studio apartment in Manhattan to a grass hut on a Hawaiian beach qualities as a home. Now, however, it's time to get precise. We're about focus on the minimums, and cooperative apartments. Each of these options offers homeowners distinct financial and personal advantages and disadvantages that you must understand in order to make a wise buying decision.
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